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David L. Bell, Esq. 


Dave Bell founded the firm in 2004 with the goal of providing an alternative approach to environmental law issues, seeking to develop with his clients a culture of compliance and preparation, rather than the litigation-focused approach used by other "name brand" firms in the environmental area.  With this goal in mind, the firm's clients have experienced positive outcomes in a number of matters, including resolutions of enforcement actions, permit appeals and risk-transfer transactions. 


Prior to founding the firm, Dave served as Senior Counsel at BP America, Inc. for over 20 years. Dave first began his career an Associate Attorney at Baker & Hostetler in Cleveland, Ohio. 


Dave enjoys sailing, hanging out with his grandkids, and playing guitar.  He sings with the Western Reserve Chorale, and is a resident of Cleveland Heights, where he lives with his wife, Chris. 


Representative Matters

  • Obtained settlement of company-wide Clean Air Act enforcement claims, establishing a consent decree format since followed by over 90% of the refining industry.

  • Successfully obtained preliminary settlements in hundreds of CERCLA cleanup cases, repeatedly avoiding costly litigation.

  • Counseled client in successful application for major NSR Clean Air Act permit.

  • Conducted environmental due diligence for foreign client in successful acquisition of interest in US oil refinery.


Articles and Presentations:

  • "Create Value out of Bad News: Managing Environmental Risk in Transactions (with Sample Forms)," The Practical Real Estate Lawyer, Vol. 16, No. 2, March, 2000.



Cell: You're going to have to try harder.

Fax: Nope



Case Western Reserve University Law School, J.D. 

            Order of the Coif

            Moot Court

            Dow Chemical Patent Law Scholarship    


Case Western Reserve University, B.S. cum laude Chemistry


Bar Admissions:      Ohio, U.S. District Court, Sixth Circuit


Civil & Professional Involvement:

  • Ohio State Bar Association

  • American Bar Association

    • ​Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources


Professional Recognitions

  • Chair of legal committee for the AN Group, a trade association for producers and users of acrylonitrile (1985-2003)

  • Chairman, Subcommittee on Environmental and Health Law, American Petroleum Institute, 1989-90 (vice chair, 1987-88)


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